
Within 1 mile radius of Olive and Washington
January 2010 - December 4 2013
491 Records


For the three-year time period and area of interest within one mile of Olive and Washington, there were 491 incidents.

The bar chart for day of the week shows Friday is higher than average, followed by Tuesday and Saturday. 

Time Analysis

The time chart reveals “hot spots” for the following:

Monday at noon
Tuesday at 8 AM
Friday at 9 AM
Friday / Thursday between 11 and noon
Weekends between 2 and 3 PM

There are rarely burglaries between the hours of 12 AM and 7 AM.

Burglaries in the evening are centered on Saturday at 9 PM.  

Spatial Analysis

Burglary in the area of interest appears ubiquitous.

Density of reported burglaries is highest in the vicinity of Washington, Chestnut, and Jefferson Avenues.  

A second area of burglary is visible at Boruff and Glenwood, roughly parallel to I-40.

This area of burglary is linked to an adjoining area of burglary via Jefferson Avenue at the intersection of Monroe and Jefferson.  The area between Polk, Bertrand, Woodbine, and East Fifth Avenue appears to have a higher density of burglary.

A final area of burglary appears between Chestnut, Spruce, and Woodbine.


Burglary in the area of interest appears ubiquitous, with hot spots focused in the vicinity of Washington, Jefferson, and Chestnut.

Because Friday and Saturday have the highest incidence of burglary, it is worth looking out for potential burglaries on Fridays in particular.

Neighbors should be vigilant in the afternoon on weekends, particularly between 2 and 3 pm.  

Patrols by vehicle focused on disrupting potential burglaries would be valuable along Woodbine Avenue and Boruff Street, which appear to bisect the areas highlighted.

Patrols on foot might include more traffic on Glenwood, Washington, and Dodson at Monroe and Boruff, and along Woodbine from Monroe to Polk.

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